it's Nadya!

Foto saya
Hello im nadya azizah :] this blog is created by my life that's why i name it,the story come from my complicated life it's not that complicated just kidding! the truly story come from my real life :p

Rabu, 09 September 2009

Photo booth @ nads

Heyhoo since i'm not postin' is since i've been move in nineth grade,it's not class like i hope soalnya ga ada zhara gia mega dan ank2 8b smua yg the best! tapii malah sekelas sma yg aku ga pengen such as ........ hahaha (secret yo) but i think it's gonna be just great every year not same classmate have to know good with each other student change how to be friends with,the teacher,aand suasana kali yaa hmmm... tp gw msh brg sma zhara,gia,mega,tami, daan yg sekelas sma gw di kelas 9 nadil dan erisa satu membantu pljrn satu lagi perusak konsentrasi daan kmrn ga tau hari apa lupa udh 2 kali ke rumah gw dan berfoto booth in my mac the photo is much like this

xo♥ zhara nadya nadila giani :)

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